9th International Conference on
Industrial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems
August 26-28, 2019, Linz, Austria
in conjunction with DEXA 2019 events
Holonic and multi-agent systems provide a novel paradigm for managing, modelling and supporting complex systems. This concept has proved to be successful in a number of industrial domains such as manufacturing, real-time control, supply chain management, logistics, production planning and scheduling, air traffic control, smart grids, and others. Multi-agent systems play the role of a key technology in the field of future manufacturing within the frame of the Industrie 4.0 visions.
The conference aims to bring together researchers active in the area of Holonic and Multi-agent Systems, Service-Oriented Architectures, Knowledge-based System Integration as well as Cyber-Physical Systems, together with key engineers and industrial decision makers to share their views and experience in design, development and application of Holonic and Multi-agent Systems for Industrie 4.0 solutions.
SUGGESTED TOPICS (but not limited to):
- Theoretical backgrounds behind holonic/agent concepts
- General approaches to the networked and adaptive Complex Systems
- Industrial applications of multi-agent systems and service-oriented architectures in Industrie 4.0 (case-studies are specially appreciated) as well as applications in smart grids, smart cities, and flexible logistics
- Design principles, methodologies and applications of Cyber-Physical Systems
- Design principles and methodologies for flexible production planning and scheduling
- Specification of holonic, agent-based, and service-oriented architectures and design methodologies including approaches for their fusion and system integration
- Semantic Web technologies, Knowledge Ontologies and Big Data in agent-based and SOA-based industrial systems
- Communication principles and standards
- Virtual organizations & holonic factories – reconfigurable factories
- Modeling and simulation tools
- Reconfiguration tasks, coalition formation
- Novel application areas (health-care, environmental protection, government, humanitarian missions, smart grids and smart cities, Energy 4.0)
- Visions and future trends of multi-agent systems and SOA-based architectures in the Industrie 4.0 visions
- Standardization issues, security issues, industrial and logistic needs in security and standardization
- Obstacles and barriers to industrial deployment
- Validation and testing approaches and methods for complex intelligent, industrial systems
As a part of the HoloMAS 2019 Conference, a Special Interdisciplinary Session on Complex Adaptive Systems will be organized.
Special Session Complex Adaptive Systems Chaired by Prof. George Rzevski, The Open University, UK
Complex Adaptive Systems are systems capable of selforganising in order to eliminate, or at least reduce, consequences of unpredictable disruptive events, such as, failures, delays, cancellations, fraud and malicious attacks. Examples of complex adaptive systems include: natural ecosystems, the Internet-based global market, global geo-political system, democracies, business with distributed decision making and teamwork, and digital ecosystems (complex adaptive software).
The Special Session welcomes contributions on theory of complex adaptive systems and their application to a wide variety of practical problems in politics, economics, financial services, business (including services and manufacturing), administration, education, transport, engineering and agriculture. Papers concerned with constructing complex adaptive systems using multi-agent technology are particularly welcome.
Authors are invited to submit research contributions or critiques of practical experience. Papers (in English) should not exceed 14 pages in Springer Verlag format. Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically to the conference web site. All accepted conference papers will be published in the conference proceedings in “Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence” (LNAI) series by Springer Verlag.
Please submit the paper here:
1. Submission deadline: March 18, 2019
2. Acceptance notice: May 24, 2019
3. Camera-ready copies: June 08, 2019
Petr Kadera | Czech Technical University in Prague, CZ |
Vladimir Marik | Czech Technical University in Prague, CZ |
George Rzevski | The Open University, UK |
Aloi Zoitl | Johannes Kepler University, Linz, AUT |
Jose Barata | Universidade Nova de Lisboa, PT |
Robert Barelkowski | West Pomeranian University of Technology, PL |
Maria Letizia Bertotti | Free University of Bolzano, IT |
Theodeor Borangiu | University of Bucharest, RO |
Armando W. Colombo | University of Applied Sciences Emden-Leer, DE |
Amro M. Farid | Dartmouth University, USA |
Adriana Giret | Universidad Politechnica de Valencia, ES |
Zdeněk Hanzálek | Czech Technical University in Prague, CZ |
Václav Jirkovský | Czech Technical University in Prague, CZ |
Matthias Klusch | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI),DE |
Jose L. M. Lastra | Tampere University of Technology, FI |
Paulo Leitao | Polytechnic Institute of Braganca, PT |
Wilfired Lepuschitz | PRIA, AT |
Francisco Maturana | Rockwell Automation, USA |
Duncan McFarlane | Cambridge University, UK |
Munir Merdan | PRIA, AT |
Thanh Nguyen Ngoc | Polytechnic University of Wroclaw, PL |
Marek Obitko | Rockwell Automation, CZ |
Stuart Rubin | SPAWAR Systems Center, San Diego, USA |
Nestor Rychtyckyj | Ford Motor Company |
Arndt Schirrmann | Airbus Group, DE |
Tim Schwartz | German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI),DE |
Weiming Shen | National Research Council, CA |
Petr Skobelev | Smart Solutions, RUS |
Alexander Smirnov | SPIIRAS, RUS |
Václav Snášel | Technical University, Ostrava, CZ |
Thomas Strasser | AIT, AUT |
Pavel Tichy | Rockwell Automation, CZ |
Damien Trentesaux | University of Valenciennes, FR |
Jan Wouter Vasbinder | Delft University of Technology, NL |
Pavel Václavek | Brno University of Technology, CZ |
Jiří Vokřínek | Czech Technical University in Prague, CZ |
Valeriy Vyatkin | Aalto University, FI & Luleå Techniska Universitet, SE |
Haibin Zhu | Nipissing University, CA |
Prof. Vladimir Marik | e-mail: holomas@ciirc.cvut.cz |
Czech Technical University in Prague | phone: +420 224 924 139 |
CIIRC, Jugoslávských partyzánů 1580/3, 160 00, Prague 6 | http://www.ciirc.cvut.cz/HoloMAS2019 |
Czech Republic | http://www.dexa.org/ |