Additive manufacturing - Innovative Production Process


Industrial 3D printing as a way to increase efficiency and lower production costs

National Centre for Industry 4.0 together with its partners, the SIEMENS and ŠKODA AUTO companies, would like to invite you to a workshop about additive manufacturing held on September 23rd where we will introduce the principals of additive manufacturing and their key applications in industrial production.

Additive manufacturing is an innovative technology which is being used in an increasing number of areas with the automotive and the engineering industry being the leaders. 3D printing is a way to create simple as well as complicated constructions that are typical for their light weight, high complexity and durability that cannot be achieved by traditional technologies. Used together with modern software and hardware tools the 3D printing can also significantly shorten the time needed to prepare and produce prototypes and functional products.

Experts from Siemens, Škoda Auto, Fillamentum and Prusa Research will walk you through the whole process of additive manufacturing from construction preparation to the actual 3D printing. The workshop will be accompanied by practical demonstrations and specific use cases of industrial 3D printing applications in Czech companies.

Come and get your good practise inspiration in additive manufacturing – one of the key Industry 4.0 technologies!

Program and registration form. Registration is free while capacity lasts.
Workshop will be held in Czech and English without interpretation.

When: 23. 9. 2019 from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.

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