Women in Tech: the Gender Algorithm


Women in Tech: the Gender Algorithm

12 April 2023, CIIRC CTU


Reccordings from the conference organised by French Embassy, the French Institute in Prague and RICAIP Centre together with CIIRC CTU, La French Tech Prague, Business France Czech Republic and the Czech-French Chamber of Commerce.



„Fostering girls’ participation in the tech sector – it’s never too early to start!“ 


Barbora Bühnová, Professor at the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, co-founder of Czechitas
Karima Boudaoud, Professor of informatics at the University Côte d’Azur, member of the board of Femmes et Science
Isabelle Collet, Professor of Education at the University of Geneva, specialist in the inclusion of women in the digital world
Marta Musilová, Policy analyst at Dept of Gender Equality, Office of the Government of the Czech Republic Moderator: Aleš Vlk, Vice-Dean for external relations and development at the Faculty of Sports

Moderator: Aleš Vlk, Vice-Dean for external relations and development at the Faculty of Sports




„How can the business ecosystem contribute to changing the status-quo?“ 


Daria Hvížďalová, Board Member of Prague 42
Magdaléna Radová, Impact and Investment Manager at Tilia Impact Ventures
Klara Losert, Co-Founder and CEO of Talkbase
Jana Pattynová, Partner at Pierstone
Markéta Přenosilová, Chairwoman of the Presidency Board of ESNA

Moderator: Cédric Maloux, CEO of StartupYard, President La French Tech Prague 



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