The time when the factories will be dark is coming


Let´s read Miroslava Kohoutová’s interview with Professor Václav Hlaváč, who talks about the state of robotics in the Czech Republic, in which areas robots will appear more and more, what robotic factories will look like in a few years, but also about why teach a robot to scratch its back.

„We still have to innovate. If we stop for a while, someone else will come and start doing it better. As Thomas Aquinas said, there are many who want to get to the tip of the needle,“ says Professor Václav Hlaváč. Head of the Department of Robotics and Machine Perception and Deputy Director of the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (CIIRC) CTU in an interview. Prague.

You can find the entire interview with Václav Hlaváč on the Hospodářské noviny website HERE.


Robotization: Swift evolution instead of revolution

„Robots learn new tasks and manage changing environments,“ says Petr Kadera, who deals with intelligent systems for industry.

We see their evolution and use first-hand in the projects in which CIIRC is involved, for example in recycling batteries from electric cars, building brick walls and logistics.
How will robotics develop further? Where does the Czech Republic stand in this evolution?

Read the entire article in Hospodářské noviny HERE.

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