Diskuse s eurokomisařkou pro dopravu Adinou Vălean ZRUŠENA


S lítostí oznamujeme, že z důvodu onemocnění komisařky Adiny-Iony Văleanové je akce ZRUŠENA.

V případě stanovení nového termínu diskuse vás budeme informovat na našich webových stránkách a asociálních sítích.


Dovolujeme si vás pozvat na otevřenou diskusi s Adinou-Ioanou Vălean, eurokomisařkou pro dopravu,  která se bude konat na CIIRC ČVUT. 

“Future of transport – towards sustainable mobility“

moderuje Michal Hrubý, Europeum

Datum:20. října, 2022 od  15:00 do 16:00 hodin
Místo: CIIRC CVUT, Jugoslávských partyzánů 1580/3, Praha 6 (vchod B2)

Účast potvrďte zde (limitovaná kapacita): secretariat@ciirc.cvut.cz.

Diskuse bude probíhat v angličtině.
Otázky do diskuse můžete posílat přes: Slido #valean.


  • krátké představení projektů CIIRC CTU z oblasti elektromobility (retrofitting vysloužilých baterií z elektromobilů, chytré plánování trasy pro elektromobily, závodní tým ČVUT – Lions)
  • moderovaná diskuse

Adina Ioana VALEAN official portrait – 9th Parliamentary term

Adina-Ioana Vălean is a Romanian politician who has been serving as European Commissioner for Transport under the leadership of President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen since 2019. She previously served as a Member of the European Parliament from 2007 until 2019, where she chaired of the European Parliament Committee on Industry, Research and Energy in 2019.

Adina Vălean’s main agenda as a European Commissioner includes

  • Developing a comprehensive strategy for sustainable and smart mobility, ensuring a transport sector fit for a clean, digital and modern economy.
  • Promoting sustainable and alternative transport fuels for road, maritime and air transport.
  • Working to extend the Emissions Trading System to the maritime sector and reducing free allowances for airlines.
  • Leading in international fora such as negotiating global emissions reductions within the International Civil Aviation Organization and the International Maritime Organization.
  • Contributing to a zero-pollution goal, mitigating the impact of transport on the climate and natural environment from emissions reductions to air, water and noise pollution.
  • Reviewing the Energy Taxation Directive, aligning it with the Commission’s climate ambitions and bringing an end to fossil-fuel subsidies.
  • Modernising transport systems, such as connected and automated mobility, with a strong focus on digital innovation.
  • Swiftly completing missing infrastructure links and the Trans-European Transport Network, underpinned by a fair and functioning internal market for transport.
  • Ensuring passenger rights are respected and transport remains affordable, reliable and accessible, particularly for low-income households and those in remote areas.
  • Ensuring the highest safety standards as traffic increases and security threats become more complex.
  • Working closely with key partners to open up new market opportunities and to enforce existing agreements.
  • Improving connectivity links, particularly in the EU’s neighbourhood and Western Balkans.
  • Ensuring effective implementation of dual-use infrastructure projects to improve military mobility using Connecting Europe Facility funds.
  • Contributing to a sustainable and competitive tourism industry.

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