CIIRC and FS ČVUT trained employees of the National Pedagogical Institute in the field of Industry 4.0


On 26 August 2020, Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics CTU in Prague (CIIRC CTU) and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering CTU in Prague participated in a workshop on „Education for Industry 4.0“, organized by the National Center for Industry 4.0 for employees of the National Pedagogical Institute of the Czech Republic (NPI CR). NPI CR is a educational, methodological, research, professional and counseling facility for solving issues of all levels and types of education in the Czech Republic – see for more details.

The opening of the workshop took place in the Testbed of Industry 4.0 at CIIRC CTU. NPI representatives had the opportunity to get acquainted with examples of modern industrial production represented by hybrid production (combination of additive and subtractive technology) and robotic assembly, including its digital twin for virtual commissioning. This was followed by a presentation on current challenges for modern education towards Industry 4.0. On the example of the ongoing results of the Cluster 4.0 project created in cooperation between CTU and SIDAT, it was demonstrated how the results of research in the field of data connectivity of machines can be directly projected into teaching. Furthermore, the need for lifelong learning was described, as well as the possibility of combining national and international educational courses. An important tool in this area is the Guided Learning Platform (GLP) just being prepared by the EIT Manufacturing consortium. GLP summarizes digital learning content created by consortium universities and companies. The workshop included demonstrations from teaching of the hybrid production (EIT M-NEST-RIS project), robot programming and calibration (EIT MANULEARN project) and the use of digital twin machine tools and processes to optimize machining technologies (EIT MACH4.0 project).

The visit and presentation in the laboratory was followed by a part of the program devoted to practical examples of education on the examples of practice of DENSO (industrial automation), Siemens (education for practice), PocketReality (virtual and augmented reality) and 3D Wiser (3D printing) companies. The program ended with a practical demonstration of a robotic production line in Testbed Industry 4.0 in CIIRC CTU.

Support for educational activities through cooperation with industry is one of the areas addressed by the above-mentioned Cluster 4.0 project. It develops international cross-sectoral cooperation thanks to the connection of CIIRC ČVUT with the German Institute for Artificial Intelligence DFKI and Czech and global industrial companies. The research topic comprises the system integration and the creation of a unified flexible software architecture for adaptable production systems. The project is supported under the OP RDE from the Structural Funds.

EIT Manufacturing is a part of the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT), ), established by the European Union in 2008 as an integral part of the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. Within this initiative, EIT Manufacturing connects the leading manufacturing actors in Europe and focuses on innovation in industry and production.  EIT Manufacturing creates a real innovation community and builds a network of ecosystems for acquiing knowledge, skills and new opportunities. It connects innovative companies with investors and research and educational institutions. The membership base consists of about fifty entities from 17 European countries. The Czech Technical University in Prague is the only Czech member. CTU has been also awarded with the status of the main regional contact point – EIT Manufacturing Hub.

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