Mezinárodní projekt RICAIP hledá svého ředitele a nabízí jedinečnou pracovní příležitost v oblasti výzkumu.


The Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics (CIIRC) at the Czech Technical University in Prague invites applications for the position of RICAIP Director at the rank of senior researcher, associate professor, professor in the areas of R&D Management, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Machine Perception, Computer Vision, Automated Reasoning, Natural Language Processing, Formal Methods, Cybersecurity, Multi-Agent Systems, Planning and Scheduling, Process Control, Production Processes, Mechatronics, Intelligent Manufacturing, Manufacturing management, Industry 4.0 and related areas.

The position is established and co-funded by the EU Center of Excellence RICAIP – Research and Innovation Centre on Advanced Industrial Production. RICAIP is hosted at CIIRC CTU Prague, founded as a result of flagship H2020 project (Widespread-Teaming programme), and is supported by the European Commission and the Czech Republic.

Job Description

  • RICAIP Director is the full-time position acting as the main executive body of RICAIP.
    The director has the right to control RICAIP performance, manage the leading positions, decide about the employment conditions and recruitment procedure with respect to internal rules of the project partners, resolve conflicts and make any kind of executive decisions at the operational level.
  • The director will manage RICAIP and create and lead a team of researchers and technicians in developing and implementing the research plan of RICAIP.
  • The director will develop, review, and implement plans for strategic growth, financial plans, operational procedures, human resource management, and other duties related to the successful operations of the institute and implementation of the RICAIP project.
  • The director will report to RICAIP Steering Committee (the supervisory body of the Centre) and will act in line with the mid-term framework set by the Executive Board (collective body of the Centre where the RICAIP Director is a member).
  • RICAIP Director is supported by sound administration and own secretariat. RICAIP Director leads the Centre of Excellence towards the implementation of the RICAIP vision:

„RICAIP, in the long-term perspective, will be a world-class, EUR 30 mil/year, 350 researchers, and distributed research centre significantly transcending the initial consortium members. With infrastructure in Prague, Brno, Saarbruecken and further nodes in Europe, RICAIP will be working together with industrial partners on over 100 projects in all aspects of Industry 4.0 and distributed manufacturing systems and value chains in a profoundly changing industrial sector.“

 Detailed information on the position and how to apply please find here.

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