Conference "Eseje o vědomí", "Proč se nebát umělé inteligence"? Worhshop: "AI a etika": all on 26 and 27 November at the CIIRC


The Equilibrium Institute in cooperation with the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics of CTU invites you to a series of conferences that will focus on the most current topics in contemporary science and technology. During the two-day programme on 26 and 27 November, visitors will be able to engage in discussions on consciousness, ethical issues of artificial intelligence and its real impact on society.

These events will bring together leading Czechs from different scientific disciplines and offer a unique opportunity to gain insights directly from those involved in AI research and development. The conferences and workshops are sponsored by CIIRC Scientific Director Vladimír Mařík. The patronage of the AI and Ethics workshop was taken over by the Minister for Science, Research and Innovation Marek Ženíšek.

  1. Conference „Eseje o vědomí“

    When: Tuesday, November 26, 2024, at 8:30 a.m.

    Where: Respirium CIIRC CTU, Jugoslávských partzánů 1580/3, Prague 6, Dejvice

    Guarantors: Vladimír Mařík, Tat’ána Maříková, Miroslav Svítek

    The topic of consciousness remains an unsolved question across scientific disciplines. Philosophy, neuroscience, genetics, quantum physics or artificial intelligence bring different perspectives, but there is still no unified definition. This conference will try to bring together experts from different fields and create a space for discussion and sharing of perspectives. The programme is divided into three thematic sessions, each with short lectures followed by a discussion. Among the speakers will be, for example, Tomas Mikolov, who will talk about artificial consciousness and how to create it. Olga Štěpánková and Vladimír Mařík will be the participants of the panel discussion. The full conference programme can be found HERE.

    Registration and entrance fee:

  2. Conference: „Proč se nebát umělé inteligenceů?

    When: Wednesday, 27 November 2024, 8:30 a.m.

    Where: Respirium CIIRC CTU, Jugoslávských partzánů 1580/3, Prague 6, Dejvice

    Guarantors: Vladimír Mařík, Michal Trčka, David Černý

    The conference is inspired by the book „Why Not to Be Afraid of Artificial Intelligence?“, which was based on previous successful discussions on AI. The main goal is to provide a realistic view of the state and development of AI without exaggerated expectations or unjustified fear. The discussion will cover a range of topics including speech technologies, legal and ethical issues, the impact on the labour market and the future of AI. The program will include panel discussions led by the book’s authors and other experts. A follow-up afternoon workshop on „AI and Ethics“ will be an integral organic part of the event.

The workshop is initiated and co-organized by the Bioethics Commission of the RVVI and is held under the auspices of the Minister of Science, Research and Innovation Marek Ženíšek, PhD. The conference will feature speakers such as Jan Šedivý, who will speak on the future of artificial intelligence, and Petr Kadera with the topic New applications of AI in industrial production. Tomáš Pajdla, Martin Suda, Jiří Wiedermann, Lenka Lhotská, Karel Košnar, Olga Štěpánková will participate in a panel discussion and then answer questions from the audience. The full conference programme can be found HERE.

Registration and entrance fee:

3. Workshop: AI and Ethics

When: Wednesday, 27 November 2024, from 14:00 to 17:00

Where: CIIRC CTU, Jugoslávských partzánů 3, Prague 6

Expert guarantors: Dr. David Černý (Karel Čapek Centre and Bioethics Commission of the RVVI), Vladimír Mařík

The workshop is initiated and co-organized by the Bioethics Commission of the RVVI and is held under the auspices of the Minister for Science, Research and Innovation Marek Ženíšek, PhD.

The workshop will focus on ethical issues related to the development of artificial intelligence. The programme will include ten presentations by leading experts, followed by a moderated discussion. The event is being held as part of the conference „Why not be afraid of artificial intelligence?“ and offers a unique opportunity to reflect more deeply on the ethical aspects of AI.

Entrance to the workshop is free.

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