NCP4.0 as co-organizer of the SAP Leonardo Day 2017 conference


The SAP Leonardo Day 2017 conference took place at the end of November in the CTU-CIIRC building. It was organized by SAP and the recently established National Center for Industry 4.0. The aim of the conference was to present the emerging ecosystem of Industry 4.0 on the Czech market and to show real examples of Czech companies which have already succeeded in introducing the principles of Industry 4.0.

The central theme of the conference program was Industry 4.0. Another important point was the Testbed for Industry 4.0. presented by Pavel Burget (head of Testbed for Industry 4.0). Furthermore, SAP Leonardo, a new digital innovation platform that integrates Internet technologies for things, machine learning, or large data, was introduced. It allowa companies to innovate more quickly, develop new applications, and create new business models.

Outside of the conference, a two-day hackathon was held at the CIIRC. During the hackathon, the participants examined the use of Industry 4.0 in creation of a realistic application for collecting and analyzing sensor data using the SAP Cloud Platform.

All the photos from the whole day and the presentations of the speakers can be found at the following link: SAP Leonardo Day 2017

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