CIIRC Annual Colloquium on Research Results


CIIRC CTU starts 2020 with a new tradition – sharing of the scientific results achieved by CIIRC employees and Ph.D. students during CIIRC Annual Colloquium on Research Results (CACORR).

The first colloquium reporting on results achieved in 2019 will be held in room B-246 – so called RED ROOM/CERVENA UCEBNA on the 23rd of January 2020 from 8:30 to 14:30. The objective is to give short presentations of the achievements selected by the heads of Departments.

We are looking forward to meeting you there.


8:30-8:40 Zdeněk Hanzálek: Colloquium introduction

8:40-9:40 Robotics and machine perception (RMP, Václav Hlaváč)

8:40-8:45 Václav Hlaváč: Overview of RMP activities

8:46-8:54 Tomáš Pajdla (AAG): Point-Line Minimal Problems in Complete Multi-View Visibility (T. Duff, K. Kohn, A. Leykin, T. Pajdla. PLMP – Point-Line Minimal Problems in Complete Multi-View Visibility. International Conference on Computer Vision 2019)

8:55-9:03 Josef Šivic (AAG): Estimating 3D Motion and Forces of Person-Object Interactions From Monocular Video (Zongmian Li, Jiri Sedlar, Justin Carpentier, Ivan Laptev, Nicolas Mansard and Josef Sivic. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2019)

9:04-9:12 Martin Jílek (IMR): Macroscopic passive self-assembly

9:13-9:21 Luis Gomez Camara (IMR): Towards Robust Long-term Autonomous Navigation of Robots in Challenging Environments: A Visual Place Recognition Deep Learning Approach

9:22-9:30 Karla Štěpánová (ROP): Specifying Dual-Arm Robot Planning Problems Through Natural Language and Demonstration (Behrens, J.K.; Štěpánová, K.; Lange, R.; Škoviera, R. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2019, 4(3), 2622-2629.)

9:31-9:39 Radoslav Škoviera (ROP): Exploring logical consistency and viewport sensitivity in compositional VQA models (Behrens, J.K.; Štěpánová, K.; Lange, R.; Škoviera, R. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2019, 4(3), 2622-2629. ISSN 2377-3766.)

9:40-10:20 Industrial informatics (IID, Zdeněk Hanzálek)

9:40-9:44 Zdeněk Hanzálek: Overview of IID activities

9:44-9:53 Přemysl Šůcha: Optimizing energy consumption of robotic cells (Bukata, L., Šůcha, P., Hanzálek, Z., Computers & Operations Research, Volume 102, 2019)

9:53-10:02 Michal Sojka: Time-predictability of high-performance multi-core systems on chip (Matějka, J., Forsberg, B., Sojka, M., Šůcha, P., Benini, L., Marongiu, A., Hanzálek, Z., Parallel Computing, Volume 85, 2019)

10:02-10:11 Antonín Novák: Scheduling Jobs with Stochastic Processing Time (Štec, R.; Novák, A.; Šůcha, P.; Hanzálek, Z.. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2019)

10:11-10:20 Zdeněk Hanzálek: Automated Car – Design, Implementation and Experiment (J.Záhora, M.Sojka, Z.Hanzálek: Contract no.8301906Z000 performed in cooperation with Porsche Engineering Services Prague)

10:20-11:00 Industrial production and automation (IPA, Michael Valášek)

10:20-10:25 Petr Kolář: IPA department introduction

10:25-10:40 Tomáš Vyhlídal, Jaromír Fišer, Jaroslav Bušek: Time delay algorithms – theory and applications

10:40-10:55 Petr Kolář: Block on robotics and manufacturing system research

10:55-11:00 Discussion

11:00-11:30 Cognitive systems and neurosciences (COGSYS, Lenka Lhotská)

11:00-11:05 Lenka Lhotská: Overview of COGSYS research results

11:05-11:17 Gerla V, Kremen V, Macas M, Dudysova D, Mladek A, Sos P, Lhotska L. Iterative expert-in-the-loop classification of sleep PSG recordings using a hierarchical clustering

11:17-11:30 Jindřich Adolf, Jaromír Doležal Modular Motor Rehabilitation Using Computer Vision

11:30-12:30 Lunch

12:30-13:10 Biomedical engineering and assistive technologies (BEAT, Olga Štěpánková)

12:30‐12:34 Olga Štěpánková: Overview of BEAT research results

12:34‐12:40 Milan Němý: Towards observing brain cholinergic pathways in vivo.

12:40‐12:50 Zdeněk Zdráhal et al.: Predictive Learning Analytics

12:50‐13:00 Michal Huptych et al.: Projects Genomkit and Electronic Delivery Book

13:00‐13:10 Karel Hána, Jan Mužík: Personal Health System for Diabetic Patients

13:10-14:10 Intelligent systems (INTSYS, Vladimír Mařík)

13:10-13:15 Vladimír Mařík: Overview of INTSYS research activities

13:15-13:23 Martin Suda: Efficient Neural and Gradient-Boosted Inference Guidance

13:23-13:31 Hugo Cisneros: Evolving Structures in Complex Systems

13:31-13.42 J. Kulhánek, E. Derner, T. DE Bruin, R. Babuška: Vision-based Navigation Using Deep Reinforcement Learning

13.42-13:48 J. Kubalík, P. Kadera, V. Jirkovský, L. Kurilla, S. Prokop: Plant Layout Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms

13:48-13:57 P. Kadera: Flexible Production Systems: Automated Generation of Operations Plans Based on ISA-95 and PDDL

13:57-14:04 Ondřej Mamula, David Hrycej: Simulation Tools SecureFlex a MAFRI

14:04-14:10 Radek Škoda: Zr alloy protection against high-temperature oxidation: Coating by a double layered structure with active and passive functional properties

14:10-14:25 Scientific management of platforms (PLAT, Vladimír Kučera)

14:10-14:15 Overview of PLAT research activities and involvement of research departments

14:15-14:25 Vladimír Kučera: Stability-Preserving Morse Normal Form

14:25-14:30 reserve time

14:30 End of the meeting

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