SkodaOnto – Ontology of Production Process and Quality Measurement, SW, 2022

SkodaOnto – Ontology of the production process and quality measurement

Result of project: National Competence Center – Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence
ID project: TN01000024-V45
Sub-project: Big data, security and data integrity
Type of result: Software


A software package that contains the Java application responsible for creating
the knowledge base, the knowledge base itself, and the scripts to interact with it
knowledge base in Python. The knowledge base is an OWL ontology representing
the machining process of the engine heads and the process of measuring the quality marks produced parts. The ontology contains semantic knowledge about tools and their settings,
machined objects, measuring machines and their sensors and measurement results
signs of quality. The attached scripts are examples of using the ontology for three different ones applications (simulation of production and measurement, diagnosis of unmanaged statistics process status or quality assurance price optimization). Java application
OWL API for creating an ontology and retrieving individuals. Scripts
use the OwlReady2 package for Python to interact with the knowledge base
using SPARQL queries.

You can find additional information here.