CIIRC CTU Employees' statement on the removal of the CIIRC director by CTU Rector

Profesor Vladimír Mařík_CIIRC ČVUT_19102017
  • CIIRC CTU director and founder Prof. Vladimír Mařík was removed from his office by CTU Rector Assoc. Prof. Vojtěch Petráček unexpectadly on a meeting of his board on Mon June 4, 2018 at 11:00. He read his statement (in Czech) at the end of the meeting.
  • CIIRC employees expressed their disagreement with this CTU Rector’s act by issuing the following statement. The employees started signing this statement on Mon June 4, 2018. New signatures are beening added. (Signatures as June 8, 2018; Signatures electronically).
  1. Since its inception, our institute has been growing, successful and providing examples of collaboration between universities and industry – both Czech and global. This success is primarily due to prof. Vladimír Mařík and his inventiveness, perseverance, leadership, ability to create a good team, attract foreign and renowned scientists, raise funds and solve many complicated situations.  His efforts were supported by two previous rectors of CTU and appreciated by several Czech governments.
  2. The Rector’s dismissal of the Director is related both in time and in its justification to the Rector’s email dated 28 May 2018. There the Rector directly requested the Director under a threat to stop the broadcasting of the documentary „And the Man Made a Robot“ by the Czech Television on May 29, 2018. This is an example of a direct request from a superior to a subordinate that is impossible to carry out.  The Director has no legal means and can not and must not influence the broadcasting of the public Czech TV. In our opinion, this is a clear case of harassment of a subordinate, in particular, so-called bossing. Such behavior is prohibited by Section 16 of the Labor Code.
  3. We, the employees of CIIRC CTU express our strong support to the Director. The Rector has dismissed the Director without any discussion with the employees, the Assembly of CIIRC CTU and its other bodies. The Rector’s decision is going to significantly disrupt our work.
  4. We are asking the Board of Directors of CTU and the Academic Senate of CTU to review this act of the Rector. We are asking them to bring justice and restore academic freedoms at CTU.

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