AI4EU Café: The CIIRC RP95-3D Protective Half-Mask



We are delighted to invite you to the AI4EU Café:

Dr. Vít Dočkal, Head of Project Management Office  (PMO) and Dr. Pavel Burget, Head of Testbed for Industry 4.0 at CIIRC, with their Contribution in The Fight Against The Coronavirus Pandemic:

Thursday, on April 16th, 2020 at 3 pm

„The CIIRC RP95-3D Protective Half-Mask – The Fast Track From Scientific Idea to The Real Production as The CIIRC’s Contribution in The Fight Against The Coronavirus Pandemic.“

This is the link to register:

Vít Dočkal, Head of the Project Management Office (PMO) at CIIRC CTU. Pavel Burget, Head of Testbed for Industry 4.0 at CIIRC CTU.


Description of Presentation:

CIIRC CTU has entered the fight against COVID-19. At the RICAIP Centre of Excellence supported by EU resources, CIIRC CTU is developing a brand new prototype of safety half-mask under the name „CIIRC RP95“. CIIRC CTU researchers developed and certified the prototype of the advanced respirator „CIIRC RP95-3D“ in just one week. The CIIRC RP95-3D is a personal protective equipment – half-mask – with a P3 replaceable external filter which has been certified as a kit according to EN 140:1999 norm. It meets the same or higher degree of protection as a FFP3 class respirator.

CIIRC is also a visible actor in the AI domain –  CIIRC’s is involved in European AI research after successful evaluation of ICT48 calls.

AI4EU Café

The AI4EU Web Café provides the users with possibilities to participate virtually in live sessions with experts on specific AI domain or areas of interests. The European Commission has launched on the European AI Alliance Platform the „Join the AI-ROBOTICS vs COVID-19 initiative“. In the spirit of this „AI-ROBOTICS vs COVID-19“ initiative, the AI4EU has been organizing thematic series of the AI4EU Café.


In January 2019, the AI4EU consortium was established to build the first European Artificial Intelligence On-Demand Platform and Ecosystem with the support of the European Commission under the H2020 programme. The AI4EU Platform will bring the AI stakeholders and AI resources together in one dedicated place, overcoming fragmentation, so that AI-based innovations (research, products, solutions) will be accelerated. The AI4EU Platform will act as the one-stop-shop for anyone looking for AI knowledge, technology, services, software, and experts. AI4EU will function as European AI market driver, offering a critical mass of resources, community networking effects, and rapid development and growth.


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